Wednesday, March 28, 2012

So Funny 2

It doesn't matter how many times I see this picture...

...everytime I see it I laugh.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Brothers Grimm - The Golden Key

In the winter time, when deep snow lay on the ground, a poor boy was forced to go out on a sledge to fetch wood. When he had gathered it together, and packed it, he wished, as he was so frozen with cold, not to go home at once, but to light a fire and warm himself a little. So he scraped away the snow, and as he was thus clearing the ground, he found a tiny, gold key. Hereupon he thought that where the key was, the lock must be also, and dug in the ground and found an iron chest. “If the key does but fit it!” thought he; “no doubt there are precious things in that little box.” He searched, but no keyhole was there. At last he discovered one, but so small that it was hardly visible. He tried it, and the key fitted it exactly. Then he turned it once round, and now we must wait until he has quite unlocked it and opened the lid, and then we shall learn what wonderful things were lying in that box.

There is no ending.
What do YOU think is in the chest?

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Mad Libs!

I love mad libs! They are so much fun and always turn out extremly funny in the end. This one is called "Letter from Camp."

Dear ____(Relative)_____,
I am having a(n) ____(Adjective)____  time at camp. The counselor is ____(Adjective)_____ and the food is ____(Adjective)____ . I met ____(Name of Person in Room)____  we became ____(Adjective)____ friends. Unfortunately, ____(Name of Same Person in Room)_____ is ____(Adjective)_____ and I ____(Verb Ending in “ed”)_____ my ____(Body Part)_____ so we couldn`t go ____(Verb Ending in “ing”)____ like everybody else. I need more ____(Plural Noun)____ and a ____(Noun)____ sharpener, so please ____(Adverb)____    _____(Verb)______  more when you ____(Verb)_____ back.
Your _____(Different Relative)_____,
______(Name of Different Person in Room)_______          

Friday, March 23, 2012

Quote 12

Science has never drummed up quite as effective a tranquilizing agent as a sunny day.
-W. Earl Hall

Thursday, March 22, 2012

One of THOSE Kids

I tend to use this expression a lot when talking about someone to one of my friends. It can pretty much be used to describe any type of person. Usually context clues help with the description. But if your talking to someone that seems to always understand what you're saying then "one of THOSE kids" is all you need to use as a description. It's just one of those phrases that mean pretty much anything.

Quote 11

In the spring, at the end of the day,
you should smell like dirt.
-Margaret Atwood

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

I'm Back!

Sorry I havn't posted in a while. My schedule has been CRAZY busy! But no worries I will now be able to continue blogging and get back posting as soon as today or tomarrow. :D


Sunday, March 18, 2012

Quote 10

Great effort from great motives is the best definition of a happy life.
-William Ellery Channing

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Journey and Transformation

Noun - The act of traveling from one place to another

Noun - The act of changing in form or shape or appearance

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Quote 9

When one door of happiness closes, another opens, but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one that has been opened for us.
-Helen Keller

Monday, March 12, 2012

What Smurf Are You?

There are over 100 smurfs in smurf village. So everyone has at least one smurf they can relate to. Some people can be multiple surfs combined. Here is a list of some of the ones I found. Which one are you?

Papa Smurf
Papa Smurf is the leader of the Smurfs, and the only Smurf who wears red. Papa Smurf brings the Smurfs to safety in times of danger and crisis. Everyone in Smurf Village turns to Papa Smurf when things go awry. Papa is always busy making magical spells and potions in his laboratory. 

Lazy Smurf
Lazy is perhaps the most aply named Smurf in the village. Almost certifiably narcoleptic, Lazy can fall asleep anywhere, anytime, day or night.

Handy Smurf
Handy wears a pencil in his ear and helps fix things inthe village. Handy is known for his amazing tecnological creations, such as the telesmurf (telephone), Wheather Smurfling Machine, and Smurfmobile.

Brainy Smurf
Brainy seems to be an expert on everything...but he's usally wrong. He publishes a series of missives entitled "Quotations of Brainy Smurf" - universally reviled by all (except himself, of course). Brainy's best friend is Clumsy.

Clumsy Smurf
Clumsy Smurf is a kind soul who is often tripped up by his own two feet. Clumsy loves to collect rocks and is best friends with Brainy. Clumsy's clothing seems to fit rather loosely, adding to his clumsy appearance.

Reporter Smurf
Reporter Smurf is the news reporter for the Smurf Village. Reporter Smurf wears a newsroom-style visor on his head and carries a quill and notepad. Reporter interviews various Smurfs for publication in his newspaper, which he prints using his printing press, which is maintained by Handy Smurf.

Tailer Smurf
Tailor makes all the clothes in the village. He's often seen with a needle or two in his cap and a tape measure around his neck.

Farmer Smurf
Farmer plants the crops for the Smurfs and helps organize the harvest. Farmer Smurf wears a straw hat and overalls.

Dreamy Smurf
Dreamy Smurf is always dreaming of other places and other things. Dreamy is best known for his appearance as Astrosmurf, where he visited the fictitious Swoofs on their home planet.

Harmony Smurf
Harmony is the musician of Smurf Village, but he doesn't have many fans. Although he deserves an "A+" for effort, Harmony's trumpet playing leaves much to be desired, and he's usally asked to stop playing as soon as he gets started.

Painter Smurf
Painter Smurf is a brilliant artist. Painter speaks with a French accent and refers to his paintings as "masterpizzas"

Hefty Smurf
Hefy Smurf is the stronges Smurf in the village. He's also the only Smurf to sport a tattoo (a red heart)! Hefty is friends with Handy and can often be seen lifting weights or exercising.

Vanity Smurf
Vanity Smurf is never without a mirror in sight. Vain to an extreme, Vanity is constantly worried about his appearance. Vanity wears a flower in his cap and is demonstrably effete.

Jokey Smurf
Jokey is known for his pecurliar laugh and loud, exploding "giftboxes". Whenever you hear "get ready for a surprise!", you'd better be ready to duck and cover your ears - BOOM!

Smurfette was created by Gargamel to destroy the Smurfs - and she was originally a brunette! Papa Smurf's magic changed her nature (and her hair color). Smurfette loves flowers and the color pink. Smurfette was the first female in Smurf village.

Poet Smurf
Poet Smurf lives for the written word and always has a parchment and quill in hand. Poet is known for the trill in his voice and his fantastic odes.

Grouchy Smurf
Grouchy Smurf is indeed grouchy! His favorit expression is "I hate ______ !" whenever someone mentions pretty much anything. Grouchy usally has a scowl on his face.

Baker Smurf
Baker is the chef of Smurf Village. Baker cooks up some amazing culinary creations, but unfortunately spends a lot of his time chasing after the thieving Greedy Smurf. Baker and Greedy Smurf were combined into one Smurf for the TV show.

Greedy Smurf
Greedy is an exceptionally greedy Smurf. He loves one thing above all else - food. Greedy is often chased by Baker Smurf for stealing snacks and goodies. Greedy just can't seem to help himself!

Snappy Smurfling
Snappy Smurf had his age reversed and became Snappy Smurfling. Snappy wears a yellow tee-shirt with a storm cloud on it - which is indicative of his disposition. Snappy can be quite snappy at times.

Slouchy Smurfling
Slouchy Smurf had the aging process reversed and was transformed into Slouchy Smurling. Slouchy is not a very enthusiastic Smurf and often takes a relaxed pose. Slouchy has a red tee-shirt and loose fitting whit cap.

Nat Smurfling
Natural Smurf went from old to young and became a little Smurling named Nat. Nat can talk to animals and loves all things to do with nature and the environment. Nat wears a straw hat and brown overalls.

Baby Smurf
One special evening, Bay Smurf was delivered to the village via a stork! Baby has magical powers and speaks in baby-talk. It is not known whether Baby is a girl or a boy.

Tracker Smurf
Tracker is an excellent outdoorsman and tracker. He carries a hiking stick.

Wild Smurf
Wild Smurf wears clothing made of leaves. Wild Smurf grew up in the wild and isn't understood by the other Smurfs. Wild Smurf can communicate with animals and ask for their assistance.

I feel like I've been all of these at least once in my life. Except smurfette.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Quote 8

Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that.
-Martin Luther King Jr.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Quote 7

Life is like a library owned by the author.
In it are a few books which he wrote himself,
but most of them were written for him.
-Harry Emerson Fosdick

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Random Cookies

In one of my earlier posts I talked about how I got bored one day and ended up making a random food creation. Well, I did it again. I was in the mood to make cookies and made an experimental batch of hershey kiss cookies. They tasted terrible! So I decided to make a second batch but this time I would use a cook book. Those were about ten times better then the ones I made using quess work. I wish I still had some. The cookies were all eatin by me and my family and friends within twenty-four hours of them coming out of the oven.

Experiance is simply the name we give our mistakes.
-Oscar Wilde

Here are some pictures I managed to take before they all disapeared:

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Awkward Introduction

Do you ever meet someone for the first time and then walk away feeling like you were completly awkward? The answer is most likely yes. Because we have all, at times, felt like we gave the worst first impression. I have a habbit of smiling really big and not being able to stop smiling. Afterwards all I can think about is how creepy I probably looked. We all have our own awkward introductions. It might be an over sized smile, a too quite or too loud "hello," a really bad hair day, a lazy day outfit to the extreme, etc. Share your awkward introduction story.

Quote 6

Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude.
-Thomas Jefferson

Saturday, March 3, 2012

So Funny

I found these on a site called and I wanted to share them with you. I thought they were pretty funny.

The fact that it's a rocking chair might make it hard to go to the bathroom.

Ran out of magazines? That's ok there's sudoku on the toilet paper.

It's gonna be a while before I can let you in. Do you mind waiting?