Thursday, February 16, 2012

A Nightmare Turns Into a Dream

The luminescent clould that I stand on starts to get heavy, losing it glow. The night sky towers above me as if its challenging my existance. I fall slowly to the ground. Next thing I know I'm plummeting down to earth. All my fears combine to one long horror movie that was made just for my own personal veiwing. The wind sourrounding me is no longer queit and tranquil. It moves fast and loud while it trys to knock me over. While choking on darkness I do my best to hold onto the falling cloud and pull it back up. But I'm decending just as fast. Fear rips the cloud to shreds. All I'm left with is a meak little cotton ball too small for me to stand on. The ground is aproaching rapidly. I can see every crack and stone on the dry and barren feild of dirt. I close my eyes and ready for the impact. But it never happens. I open my eyes and the cloud is growing. Rising. Lighting up the sky. The overwhelming night transforms into a miraculous day. As I rise from the ground I look down to see a feild of grass stretched out like a blanket on the earth. Flowers make their way to the surface and race each other to bloom. There are too many colors amung the populated ground to name. Blues and reds mix with the intertwining greens and yellows. Pinks and purples make themselves noticed in every direction. The higher the cloud takes me the more of the various flowers I can see. Daisys, roses, tulips, pansies, impatients, along with some I don't even recognize. Soon the ground is too far away to see so and I decide to look around me. As far as the eye can see birds with magnificent feathers dance in the sky. Their wings move so gracefuly and guide them effortlessly through the open blue. I gaze in amazement as the most exotic birds I've ever seen put on a display of color. It apears as if I was the only one meant to see their fantastic air show. I rise higher while watching the florescent birds do a farewell nod with their bright orange beaks. I look up to see myself aproaching more clouds. They are whiter than a fresh snow fall on a cold december morning. No teddy bear in the world could look soft enough to even be compared to these floating pillows that I see before me. These clouds are more stunning then any sunset I've ever witnessed. Light finds its way through these clouds in a way that makes them look awe inspiring.

I wasn't sure on how to end it but let me know what you think.

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