Saturday, April 28, 2012

Quote 14

Expect the worst and receive a pleasant surprise when it doesn't come

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

So Funny 2

It doesn't matter how many times I see this picture...

...everytime I see it I laugh.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Brothers Grimm - The Golden Key

In the winter time, when deep snow lay on the ground, a poor boy was forced to go out on a sledge to fetch wood. When he had gathered it together, and packed it, he wished, as he was so frozen with cold, not to go home at once, but to light a fire and warm himself a little. So he scraped away the snow, and as he was thus clearing the ground, he found a tiny, gold key. Hereupon he thought that where the key was, the lock must be also, and dug in the ground and found an iron chest. “If the key does but fit it!” thought he; “no doubt there are precious things in that little box.” He searched, but no keyhole was there. At last he discovered one, but so small that it was hardly visible. He tried it, and the key fitted it exactly. Then he turned it once round, and now we must wait until he has quite unlocked it and opened the lid, and then we shall learn what wonderful things were lying in that box.

There is no ending.
What do YOU think is in the chest?

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Mad Libs!

I love mad libs! They are so much fun and always turn out extremly funny in the end. This one is called "Letter from Camp."

Dear ____(Relative)_____,
I am having a(n) ____(Adjective)____  time at camp. The counselor is ____(Adjective)_____ and the food is ____(Adjective)____ . I met ____(Name of Person in Room)____  we became ____(Adjective)____ friends. Unfortunately, ____(Name of Same Person in Room)_____ is ____(Adjective)_____ and I ____(Verb Ending in “ed”)_____ my ____(Body Part)_____ so we couldn`t go ____(Verb Ending in “ing”)____ like everybody else. I need more ____(Plural Noun)____ and a ____(Noun)____ sharpener, so please ____(Adverb)____    _____(Verb)______  more when you ____(Verb)_____ back.
Your _____(Different Relative)_____,
______(Name of Different Person in Room)_______